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Frequently Asked Questions
Our title boundary is being disputed. Can you help?
Yes, we can. We can accurately position your title boundaries with marks on the ground and a plan in relation to your fencing. We can...
Where is my title boundary?
To determine this, you will need to engage a Licensed Surveyor to complete a re-establishment survey. Contact us to chat about your...
How much will my subdivision cost?
Many factors can affect the cost of subdividing your property, the number and size of the lots, the size of the dwellings and the...
What are the steps involved in the subdivision process?
Step 1: Feasibility A planning permit issued by Council is generally required to subdivide. An application for a planning permit will...
Why work with Macrae & Co?
Qualified & Experienced You will benefit from our team's many years of experience and our in-depth industry knowledge. We are licensed...
Who will manage my subdivision?
The regulations governing how you can develop land are found in the Planning Scheme relevant to your local municipality. Once you have a...
Can I subdivide my land?
The regulations governing how you can develop land are found in the Planning Scheme relevant to your local municipality. You can obtain a...
Why do I need a Land Surveyor?
If you are looking to buy or sell a property, develop your property, or subdivide, the boundaries of the land must be accurately...
How much will your survey cost?
The survey cost is generally based on the time we need to take to complete the survey. We provide a fixed price quotation for most jobs....
What is a Licensed Surveyor?
If you are looking to buy or sell a property, develop your property, or subdivide, the boundaries of the land must be accurately...
Contact us to chat about your project.
Tell us a bit about your project and we can provide more accurate advice about our services and fees. Attaching plans and diagrams can be a good way to help describe your requirements.
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